Exchange rate evolution chart for Thai baht
Show THB rate - Thai baht exchange rate in relation to another currency during the interval specified below.
You can zoom on the Thai baht exchange rate chart by dragging with your cursor.
To display the Thai baht evolution chart and the Thai baht exchange
rates in this table, visit the page Thai baht exchange rate.
Maximums, Minimums and Averages for the specified interval 10.08.2024 - 10.12.2024
Maximum Thai baht exchange rate in the chart
100 THB = 20.9800 (DKK)
Date: 10 December 2024
Minimum Thai baht exchange rate in the chart
100 THB = 19.4200 (DKK)
Date: 14 August 2024
Average Thai baht exchange rate
100 THB = 20.2624 (DKK)
converter which can convert using the Denmark National Bank (DN) exchange rate from a previous date.
All the data regarding the DN exchange rate is collected from the Danmarks Nationalbank (DN) and is purely informative. is in no way associated with the Danmarks Nationalbank's website
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