British pound exchange rate - GBP to DKK

Exchange rate evolution chart for British pound

(26 Jul 2024): 1 GBP = 8.8442 (DKK)

Date Value (DKK) Variation
26 Jul 2024 8.8442 -0,0102
25 Jul 2024 8.8544 -0,0316
24 Jul 2024 8.8860 +0,0116
23 Jul 2024 8.8744 +0,0141
22 Jul 2024 8.8603 +0,0077
19 Jul 2024 8.8526 -0,0102
18 Jul 2024 8.8628 -0,0266
17 Jul 2024 8.8894 (max) +0,0133
16 Jul 2024 8.8761 -0,0018
15 Jul 2024 8.8779 -0,0012
12 Jul 2024 8.8791 +0,0296
11 Jul 2024 8.8495 +0,0226
10 Jul 2024 8.8269 -0,0019
09 Jul 2024 8.8288 -0,0074
08 Jul 2024 8.8362 +0,0204
05 Jul 2024 8.8158 +0,0058
04 Jul 2024 8.8100 +0,0019
03 Jul 2024 8.8081 +0,0074
02 Jul 2024 8.8007 +0,0041
01 Jul 2024 8.7966 -0,0145
28 Jun 2024 8.8111 -0,0059
27 Jun 2024 8.8170 -0,0152
26 Jun 2024 8.8322 +0,0008
25 Jun 2024 8.8314 +0,0278
24 Jun 2024 8.8036 -0,0212
20 Jun 2024 8.8248 -0,0074
19 Jun 2024 8.8322 +0,0079
18 Jun 2024 8.8243 +0,0032
17 Jun 2024 8.8211 -0,0388
14 Jun 2024 8.8599 +0,0290
13 Jun 2024 8.8309 -0,0102
12 Jun 2024 8.8411 -0,0171
11 Jun 2024 8.8582 +0,0375
10 Jun 2024 8.8207 +0,0551
07 Jun 2024 8.7656 -0,0009
06 Jun 2024 8.7665 +0,0059
04 Jun 2024 8.7606 +0,0033
03 Jun 2024 8.7573 +0,0198
31 May 2024 8.7375 -0,0276
30 May 2024 8.7651 +0,0012
29 May 2024 8.7639 -0,0062
28 May 2024 8.7701 -0,0014
27 May 2024 8.7715 +0,0184
24 May 2024 8.7531 -0,0082
23 May 2024 8.7613 -0,0002
22 May 2024 8.7615 +0,0282
21 May 2024 8.7333 +0,0252
17 May 2024 8.7081 +0,0171
16 May 2024 8.6910 -0,0016
15 May 2024 8.6926 +0,0155
14 May 2024 8.6771 +0,0041
13 May 2024 8.6730 +0,0071
08 May 2024 8.6659 -0,0278
07 May 2024 8.6937 -0,0139
06 May 2024 8.7076 -0,0081
03 May 2024 8.7157 -0,0043
02 May 2024 8.7200 -0,0054
30 Apr 2024 8.7254 +0,0018
29 Apr 2024 8.7236 +0,0162
26 Apr 2024 8.7074 +0,0016
25 Apr 2024 8.7058 +0,0287
24 Apr 2024 8.6771 +0,0069
23 Apr 2024 8.6702 +0,0270
22 Apr 2024 8.6432 (min) -0,0723
19 Apr 2024 8.7155 +0,0015
18 Apr 2024 8.7140 -0,0227
17 Apr 2024 8.7367 +0,0044
16 Apr 2024 8.7323 -0,0033
15 Apr 2024 8.7356 +0,0023
12 Apr 2024 8.7333 +0,0102
11 Apr 2024 8.7231 +0,0002
10 Apr 2024 8.7229 +0,0155
09 Apr 2024 8.7074 +0,0137
08 Apr 2024 8.6937 -0,0025
05 Apr 2024 8.6962 +0,0016
04 Apr 2024 8.6946 -0,0076
03 Apr 2024 8.7022 -0,0198
02 Apr 2024 8.7220 +0,0262

Maximums, Minimums and Averages for the specified interval 27.03.2024 - 27.07.2024

Maximum British pound exchange rate
1 GBP = 8.8894 (DKK)
Date: 17 July 2024

Minimum British pound exchange rate
1 GBP = 8.6432 (DKK)
Date: 22 April 2024

Average British pound exchange rate
1 GBP = 8.7722 (DKK)

Display only british pound exchange rate without the data table.
