Australian dollar exchange rate chart

Exchange rate evolution chart for Australian Dollar

(18 Apr 2024): 1 AUD = 4.5039 (DKK)

You can zoom on the Australian Dollar exchange rate chart by dragging with your cursor.

To display the Australian Dollar evolution chart and the Australian Dollar exchange
rates in this table, visit the page Australian Dollar exchange rate.

Maximums, Minimums and Averages for the specified interval 19.12.2023 - 19.04.2024

Maximum Australian Dollar exchange rate in the chart
1 AUD = 4.6170 (DKK)
Date: 02 January 2024

Minimum Australian Dollar exchange rate in the chart
1 AUD = 4.4612 (DKK)
Date: 05 March 2024

Average Australian Dollar exchange rate
1 AUD = 4.5242 (DKK)
