Imf, special drawing rights exchange rate - XDR to DKK

Exchange rate evolution chart for IMF, Special drawing rights

(26 Jul 2024): 1 XDR = 9.1157 (DKK)

Date Value (DKK) Variation
26 Jul 2024 9.1157 -0,0184
25 Jul 2024 9.1341 +0,0115
24 Jul 2024 9.1226 +0,0166
23 Jul 2024 9.1060 +0,0175
22 Jul 2024 9.0885 +0,0036
19 Jul 2024 9.0849 +0,0143
18 Jul 2024 9.0706 +0,0016
17 Jul 2024 9.0690 (min) -0,0086
16 Jul 2024 9.0776 -0,0007
15 Jul 2024 9.0783 -0,0061
12 Jul 2024 9.0844 -0,0039
11 Jul 2024 9.0883 -0,0116
10 Jul 2024 9.0999 -0,0064
09 Jul 2024 9.1063 +0,0106
08 Jul 2024 9.0957 -0,0060
05 Jul 2024 9.1017 -0,0095
04 Jul 2024 9.1112 -0,0164
03 Jul 2024 9.1276 -0,0163
02 Jul 2024 9.1439 +0,0067
01 Jul 2024 9.1372 -0,0238
28 Jun 2024 9.1610 -0,0058
27 Jun 2024 9.1668 -0,0056
26 Jun 2024 9.1724 +0,0069
25 Jun 2024 9.1655 +0,0108
24 Jun 2024 9.1547 -0,0097
20 Jun 2024 9.1644 +0,0111
19 Jun 2024 9.1533 -0,0182
18 Jun 2024 9.1715 -0,0032
17 Jun 2024 9.1747 -0,0202
14 Jun 2024 9.1949 +0,0557
13 Jun 2024 9.1392 -0,0100
12 Jun 2024 9.1492 -0,0202
11 Jun 2024 9.1694 +0,0147
10 Jun 2024 9.1547 +0,0684
07 Jun 2024 9.0863 -0,0103
06 Jun 2024 9.0966 -0,0070
04 Jun 2024 9.1036 -0,0017
03 Jun 2024 9.1053 +0,0075
31 May 2024 9.0978 -0,0241
30 May 2024 9.1219 +0,0248
29 May 2024 9.0971 +0,0083
28 May 2024 9.0888 -0,0208
27 May 2024 9.1096 +0,0018
24 May 2024 9.1078 +0,0017
23 May 2024 9.1061 -0,0113
22 May 2024 9.1174 +0,0180
21 May 2024 9.0994 -0,0119
17 May 2024 9.1113 +0,0083
16 May 2024 9.1030 -0,0166
15 May 2024 9.1196 -0,0096
14 May 2024 9.1292 -0,0024
13 May 2024 9.1316 -0,0281
08 May 2024 9.1597 +0,0050
07 May 2024 9.1547 -0,0007
06 May 2024 9.1554 -0,0208
03 May 2024 9.1762 -0,0135
02 May 2024 9.1897 +0,0221
30 Apr 2024 9.1676 -0,0016
29 Apr 2024 9.1692 +0,0031
26 Apr 2024 9.1661 -0,0030
25 Apr 2024 9.1691 -0,0158
24 Apr 2024 9.1849 -0,0113
23 Apr 2024 9.1962 -0,0233
22 Apr 2024 9.2195 +0,0040
19 Apr 2024 9.2155 +0,0133
18 Apr 2024 9.2022 -0,0208
17 Apr 2024 9.2230 (max) +0,0022
16 Apr 2024 9.2208 +0,0059
15 Apr 2024 9.2149 -0,0040
12 Apr 2024 9.2189 +0,0398
11 Apr 2024 9.1791 +0,0630
10 Apr 2024 9.1161 +0,0057
09 Apr 2024 9.1104 -0,0206
08 Apr 2024 9.1310 +0,0059
05 Apr 2024 9.1251 +0,0089
04 Apr 2024 9.1162 -0,0349
03 Apr 2024 9.1511 -0,0190
02 Apr 2024 9.1701 +0,0348

Maximums, Minimums and Averages for the specified interval 27.03.2024 - 27.07.2024

Maximum IMF, Special drawing rights exchange rate
1 XDR = 9.2230 (DKK)
Date: 17 April 2024

Minimum IMF, Special drawing rights exchange rate
1 XDR = 9.0690 (DKK)
Date: 17 July 2024

Average IMF, Special drawing rights exchange rate
1 XDR = 9.1381 (DKK)

Display only imf, special drawing rights exchange rate without the data table.
