Malaysian ringgit exchange rate - MYR to DKK

Exchange rate evolution chart for Malaysian ringgit

(26 Jul 2024): 1 MYR = 1.4754 (DKK)

Date Value (DKK) Variation
26 Jul 2024 1.4754 +0,0005
25 Jul 2024 1.4749 +0,0028
24 Jul 2024 1.4721 +0,0016
23 Jul 2024 1.4705 +0,0063
22 Jul 2024 1.4642 +0,0026
19 Jul 2024 1.4616 -0,0007
18 Jul 2024 1.4623 -0,0006
17 Jul 2024 1.4629 -0,0007
16 Jul 2024 1.4636 -0,0008
15 Jul 2024 1.4644 -0,0028
12 Jul 2024 1.4672 +0,0010
11 Jul 2024 1.4662 - 0,0000
10 Jul 2024 1.4662 +0,0009
09 Jul 2024 1.4653 +0,0035
08 Jul 2024 1.4618 -0,0017
05 Jul 2024 1.4635 -0,0029
04 Jul 2024 1.4664 -0,0023
03 Jul 2024 1.4687 -0,0045
02 Jul 2024 1.4732 +0,0004
01 Jul 2024 1.4728 -0,0039
28 Jun 2024 1.4767 -0,0008
27 Jun 2024 1.4775 -0,0019
26 Jun 2024 1.4794 -0,0005
25 Jun 2024 1.4799 (max) +0,0044
24 Jun 2024 1.4755 -0,0016
20 Jun 2024 1.4771 +0,0027
19 Jun 2024 1.4744 -0,0025
18 Jun 2024 1.4769 +0,0012
17 Jun 2024 1.4757 -0,0036
14 Jun 2024 1.4793 +0,0100
13 Jun 2024 1.4693 +0,0006
12 Jun 2024 1.4687 -0,0041
11 Jun 2024 1.4728 +0,0038
10 Jun 2024 1.4690 +0,0095
07 Jun 2024 1.4595 -0,0031
06 Jun 2024 1.4626 +0,0025
04 Jun 2024 1.4601 -0,0015
03 Jun 2024 1.4616 +0,0014
31 May 2024 1.4602 -0,0061
30 May 2024 1.4663 +0,0053
29 May 2024 1.4610 +0,0001
28 May 2024 1.4609 -0,0042
27 May 2024 1.4651 +0,0042
24 May 2024 1.4609 -0,0005
23 May 2024 1.4614 -0,0069
22 May 2024 1.4683 +0,0046
21 May 2024 1.4637 -0,0042
17 May 2024 1.4679 +0,0016
16 May 2024 1.4663 +0,0028
15 May 2024 1.4635 -0,0008
14 May 2024 1.4643 +0,0037
13 May 2024 1.4606 -0,0036
08 May 2024 1.4642 +0,0018
07 May 2024 1.4624 +0,0018
06 May 2024 1.4606 -0,0039
03 May 2024 1.4645 -0,0019
02 May 2024 1.4664 +0,0077
30 Apr 2024 1.4587 -0,0006
29 Apr 2024 1.4593 -0,0007
26 Apr 2024 1.4600 +0,0036
25 Apr 2024 1.4564 -0,0042
24 Apr 2024 1.4606 -0,0017
23 Apr 2024 1.4623 -0,0065
22 Apr 2024 1.4688 +0,0044
19 Apr 2024 1.4644 +0,0037
18 Apr 2024 1.4607 -0,0031
17 Apr 2024 1.4638 +0,0001
16 Apr 2024 1.4637 -0,0013
15 Apr 2024 1.4650 -0,0033
12 Apr 2024 1.4683 +0,0036
11 Apr 2024 1.4647 +0,0179
10 Apr 2024 1.4468 +0,0010
09 Apr 2024 1.4458 (min) -0,0046
08 Apr 2024 1.4504 +0,0010
05 Apr 2024 1.4494 -0,0008
04 Apr 2024 1.4502 -0,0045
03 Apr 2024 1.4547 -0,0047
02 Apr 2024 1.4594 +0,0025

Maximums, Minimums and Averages for the specified interval 27.03.2024 - 27.07.2024

Maximum Malaysian ringgit exchange rate
1 MYR = 1.4799 (DKK)
Date: 25 June 2024

Minimum Malaysian ringgit exchange rate
1 MYR = 1.4458 (DKK)
Date: 09 April 2024

Average Malaysian ringgit exchange rate
1 MYR = 1.4651 (DKK)

Display only malaysian ringgit exchange rate without the data table.
